Ngaanyatjarra Council appoints Jodie Matthews as General Manager of Youth & Education

Ngaanyatjarra Council Group has appointed Jodie Matthews as General Manager of Youth and Education for the eleven member communities on the Lands. 

The new role has been created to collaborate with the Education Department of Western Australia and other service providers to improve educational outcomes for youth on the Lands.

The role is highly integrated with other functions within the Council, recognising the significant impact of multiple factors on education outcomes. 

“This new role has been created to oversee the delivery of culturally responsive initiatives that target education and training programs from early childhood (before school), children and youth, and adult education,” Jodie said.

Jodie is a former Principal of the school at Warburton (2013-2014) and later returned in 2017 as Executive Deputy Principal based at Warakurna. Having previously worked with the Education Department at the regional office in Kalgoorlie, Jodie’s role included frequent visits to support the Ngaanyatjarra schools and their principals. Her familiarity with the network of schools on the Lands, their potential, and challenges runs deep.

In announcing the new role, CEO of Ngaanyatjarra Council Group, Thomas Williams, highlighted the importance of the appointment. 

“We’re taking this significant step to ensure our members have the strongest foundation possible for flourishing on the Lands,” Thomas said.

“It’s another step to helping Yarnangu lead lives filled with purpose and agency and remain on the Lands.”

While introducing Jodie to the Council’s employees, Fred Chaney – a friend of the Ngaanyatjarra and Board Advisor –  also emphasised the role’s significance. 

“This is a terrific day for the people on the Lands and for the Council. Education has always been a critical key for people having a strong future,” Fred said. 

“The challenge of equipping Yarnangu to walk in two cultures is a large one—we are well aware of the realities of this challenge.”

“Like so many areas—housing, health, employment, and families among them—education is interrelated. The approach by the Council’s CEO is holistic and it needs to be as we’re addressing systemic issues on the Lands. Jodie’s appointment is another piece in the jigsaw that combines to create a picture of flourishing through all of our member communities,” Fred added.

Jodie’s role, effective immediately, will lead the Council’s advocacy for child and youth education. While based at the Council’s head office, Jodie will spend significant time within the communities on Ngaanyatjarra Lands.

News direct from the Lands