Tjukurla is a remote Aboriginal community located in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands of Western Australia, near the Northern Territory border. Established in the early 1980s as part of the homeland movement, Tjukurla was formed by Yarnangu people returning to their traditional lands after being relocated to missions and government settlements in earlier decades. The area is culturally significant, with strong ties to ancestral stories and songlines that traverse the region. Tjukurla is situated near important water sources and has access to hunting grounds, making it a vital place for the continuation of traditional practices. The community is small but plays a key role in preserving the cultural heritage and way of life of the Ngaanyatjarra people.
Tjukurla is located in the “tali” (sandhill) country on the edge of Lake Hopkins, halfway between Warakurna Community in WA and Kintore (Walungurru) Community in the NT. The residents are mostly Ngaanyatjarra speaking people.
In the early 80’s a bore was put down near the present Tjukurla Community as part of the outstation movement from Docker River community. In mid-1981, an outstation was established at Kintore which provided an opportunity for those living at Papunya to move west, closer to their traditional lands. From Kintore many people moved to Tjukurla as that community’s infrastructure developed. Residents also came from Warakurna, Docker River, and Warburton.
By 1986, the community was permanently occupied and in 1987 became incorporated and a member of the Ngaanyatjarra Council.
The Ngaanyatjarra Health Service staffs a resident nurse and operates community clinic. Two Yarnangu are employed from the as Health Workers. The Royal Flying Doctor Service visits community every fortnight, for general clinic. A Resident dentist from Warakurna (two hours drive from community) is available for periodic visits. There is Environmental Health Worker resident in Community. An emergency evacuation service is provided from Royal Flying Doctor Service, Kalgoorlie. A community dog health programme is also periodically provided by visiting vet.
Community School
The existing school facilities are not currently being operated within the community.
Law/Order And Justice Services
The closest police post is in Warakurna and is not attended. The community has three (3) wardens with regularly community patrols carried out. The community has no Liaison Officer. Police presence in the community is by way of a weekly visit by police from Laverton, some 850 kilometres west of Tjukurla.
A large community hall has been constructed to provide a focal point for community social, sporting and training activities. The community also has a football oval, a lighted basketball court, and one softball oval.
Hall/Community Centre
The Community Recreation Hall provides an entertainment and recreational centre for the community.
Community Laundry, Kitchen & Toilets
There are two community laundries and two community toilets/ablutions. A Community kitchen is located in the Women’s Centre.
Community Store
The community has a large store open five hours Monday to Friday and is supplied from Perth by NATS on a fortnightly basis. Community women receive store-worker training from the manager.
Community Women’s Facilities
The community has established a Women’s Centre and provides community kitchen facilities and a Meals on Wheels service. There is also fabric printing, dressmaking, and artefact-making facilities which are supervised by Women’s Centre Co-ordinator. Part-time position. Unfunded as at 1 April 1997.
Aged People’s Facilities
There are six houses dedicated to the car of aged community members.
Community Family Services
There is a single person’s quarters and five shelter-type houses are available for transients, or for other community-approved use. A Children’s Day Care Centre is available at Women’s Centre.
*2021 Census Data (ABS)
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