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Tjirrkarli is a small, remote community located in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands of Western Australia. Established in the 1980s as part of the homeland movement, which saw many Aboriginal people return to their traditional lands, Tjirrkarli has strong cultural and historical ties to the surrounding country.



Tjirrkarli is situated within the Ngaanyatjarraku Shire in Western Australia, at a latitude of 25 degrees 59.16 minutes south and a longitude of 128 degrees 17.20 minutes east (GPS coordinates). The community operates on Western Standard Time.

Tjirrkarli is located in the “rirra” (plateau of ironstone pebbles) country, north west of Warburton. It lies between Lake Breaden and Lake Gillen. The community takes its name from a site nearby which is associated with a Dreaming story concerning native yams (tjirrkarli).

The community was established in the 1980s in the vicinity of a bore put down by Shell Oil. The company was searching for oil and constructed an extensive network of seismic lines, some of which are now used as main access roads to the community or as hunting tracks.

Twenty years had passed since traditional owners in Irrunytju and Tollu worked for rations and camped nearby to ensure no sites were damaged. By the 1980’s the Ngaanyatjarra Council had been formed to serve the political needs of the Ngaanyatjarra people. One of its first jobs was the negotiation of an agreement with Shell Oil to ensure that no sacred sites or sites of significance were disturbed or damaged during the exploration work in the Tjirrkarli area. Resources were provided by the company to allow a scouting team of traditional owners and anthropologists to work with the company surveyors as they cleared and flagged proposed seismic lines.

During this time a growing number of traditional owners who had lived most if not all of their lives in the goldfields region (their parents having left the Tjirrkarli region as early as the 1930-40s and gone to Mount Margaret Mission) began to slowly return. Some traditional owners who were living at Warburton had already left there and set up an outstation near Mt Samuel called Mangi, not far from Tjirrkarli. An accidental death and poor quality water from the Mangi bore precipitated a move further west to Tjirrkarli. Others upon hearing about the newly established community came from Cosmo Newberry and as far away as Wiluna. The community became incorporated and a member of the Ngaanyatjarra Council in 1987.

The community has a clinic staffed with a Resident Nursing Sister, funded and managed by Ngaanyatjarra Health Service. The clinic employs one Aboriginal health worker and an Aboriginal cleaner. The Royal Flying Doctor Service, Kalgoorlie makes fortnightly clinic visits, and the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku Environmental Health & Building surveyor, makes monthly inspections. The community uses current dog immunisation programme to improve condition of their dogs.

Community School Facilities
The Tjikarrli Campus of Ngaanyatjarra Lands School currently has twenty-one students, two teachers, a teacher’s aid and three educational workers. .Community has government primary school. There are five high school students attending school in Adelaide.

Law/Order And Justice Services
Police from the Laverton Station visit the Community monthly, and as required.

Hall/Community Centre
The community has a large hall with gymnasium equipment, a community laundry and community toilets.

Community Store
There is a community store in Tjikarrli employing two community Yarnangu. Supplies are delivered by Ngaanyatjarra Agency and Transport Service in Perth with a monthly resupply. The store also operates community fuel agency.

Community Women’s Facilities
The Tjikarrli community has a Women’s Centre which is used for training in sewing, dressmaking, batik.

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John Doe

Our Community

at a glance



Member since


*2021 Census Data (ABS) 

Board Member

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