Land and Culture

The Land and Culture program supports traditional land management, passes on ecological knowledge and Tjukurrpa to youth, and helps protect cultural heritage during mining exploration on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.

Land and Culture supports traditional owners in traditional land management, such as patch burning, and encourages the handing down of traditional ecological knowledge and the Tjukurrpa (dreaming stories) to young people. We also assist visiting scientists studying threatened species in the region. 

The Land and Culture program works with hundreds of Members each year from across all communities to care for country and manage land access by miners and others wanting to work on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. The land access program manages consultations between mining explorers and local traditional owners to ensure cultural heritage is protected in exploration activities.

The Tjumalampatju: Our Stories 

The Tjumalampatju database is an online community-based database. This means that Community members participate by placing names to faces on photos or adding stories to a particular image or event by either text, movie or audio. 

Ngaanyatjarra Council has the facility to scan negatives, photos, documents, audio and movies into digital format. The Council also has the capacity to house these forms of media as well as any artefacts/objects of any kind that may be returned. These collections are kept under library conditions so that these records are kept in a safe environment and for the safekeeping for future generations.

Contact Details

The Land and Culture program has been instrumental in helping us protect and manage our land. Their work ensures that our traditions and stories are passed down to future generations, while also safeguarding our land from external activities. It's reassuring to know that our heritage and connection to the land are being respected and preserved with their support.

Other Services available in Ngaanyatjarra

The Ngaanyatjarra Health Service (NHS) is driven by a collaborative and culturally respectful approach to care. Our efforts have expanded healthcare services, built strong foundations, and ensured access to quality care for remote communities despite geographical challenges.
NCHRP manages rental housing and is the sole housing service provider on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands, aiming to improve health and living standards and recognising each community’s unique needs.
Our Community and Sustainable Development department supports the Ngaanyatjarra Lands through employment programs, essential municipal services, financial wellbeing initiatives, and year-round sports development.
NCAMS is dedicated to building infrastructure that strengthens the fabric of remote communities, working in partnership with Yarnangu to deliver vital upgrades and developments.
Ngaanyatjarra Agency and Transport Services (NATS), established in 1984, supplies Ngaanyatjarra Community stores with nutritious food and goods from its Perth warehouse. Owned by all Ngaanyatjarra Communities, NATS operates a regular bulk delivery service, contributing to better health standards on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.
Ngaanyatjarra Essential Services provides building, project management, and essential services maintenance to Ngaanyatjarra and Spinifex Region communities. Ngaanyatjarra Essential Services (NES) handles maintenance, repairs, and water sampling, operating on a fee-for-service basis.

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