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Wanarn is located in the “tali” (sandhill) country between Warburton and Warakurna.


The community was incorporated in 1989 and is on the dreaming track of the “Kungkarungkalpa” or Seven Sisters.

Although one of the smaller communities, Wanarn is a dynamic community with a 15-bed Aged Care facility managed by Ngaanyatjarra Health Service.

Like other small communities in this region, most of its residents lived on the Warburton Mission for man years. Some travelled to the Goldfields region to obtain work but ultimately returned to their traditional country. The proximity of Warburton Mission has allowed many to make frequent journeys back and forth.


Wanarn Community is situated in the Ngaanyatjarraku Shire Council area, within the Warburton Ward of the ATSIC Western Desert Regional Council. The community is located at a latitude of 25 degrees 17.56 minutes south and a longitude of 127 degrees 33.37 minutes east (GPS coordinates). Wanarn operates on Western Standard Time.

Wanarn is located in the “tali” (sandhill) country 100km north of Warburton. The community is on the dreaming track of the “Kungkarungkalpa” or Seven Sisters. All of its residents are Ngaanyatjarra speaking people. Like other small communities in this region most of its residents lived on the Warburton Mission or later at the Docker River settlement. Some travelled as far afield as the Goldfields region to obtain work but ultimately returned to their traditional country. The close proximity of Warburton Mission allowed many to make frequent journeys back and forth. A senior woman from Wanarn who is now deceased recalled carrying bags of flour on her head and walking almost 80 km in the late 60’s from the Warburton Mission to her brothers who were still camped out in their traditional country, just south-east of Wanarn.

Like other small communities in this region, most of its residents lived on the Warburton Mission and later at the Docker River settlement. Some travelled to the Goldfields region to obtain work but ultimately returned to their traditional country. The proximity of Warburton Mission allowed many to make frequent journeys back and forth.

The original road from Warburton to Alice Springs was via Linton Bore, east of Warburton Community. Concerns regarding unauthorised access by tourists in the vicinity of Linton Bore resulted in traditional owners closing this section of the road to the public. In the mid 1970’s a cutline was made between Warburton and Giles that could be used by the public as an alternative to the old Alice Springs (via Linton Bore) road. This in turn allowed much easier access to the country between Warakurna and Warburton.  The community of Wanarn which is located halfway between Warakurna and Warburton was then established in the late eighties. Residents came from Docker River, Warburton and Warakurna. The community was incorporated and became a member of the Ngaanyatjarra Council in 1989.

Ngaanyatjarra Health Services provides a Community Clinic and a resident nursing sister. An Aboriginal health worker and an Environmental Health Worker are employed. The Royal Flying Doctor Service does emergency evacuations as necessary and an Environmental Health Officer from Alice Springs makes monthly visits.

Dog immunisation programme carried out by visiting vet.

Community School Facilities
The Wanarn Campus of Ngaanyatjarra Lands School currently operates two classes – a junior room and a senior room – and comprises around twenty students. We have a campus principal, and two teachers in addition to Yarnangu educators (AIEOs). Other facilities include a library, and a home economics room. These is also an administrative hub containing offices and a staffroom. The grounds are attractive with trees, grass and play equipment.

There is no high school in the community, with high school students travelling to “CAPS” in Kalgoorlie or Adelaide.

Law/Order And Justice Services
The Police presence in the community is maintained as required with periodic visits from the Warakurna and Warburton police stations. Both are located approximately 140 kms from Wanarn.

Community Recreational Facilities
There is a football oval as well as a basketball court and a small children’s playground.

Warnarn has a radio and television re-transmitting service with two satellite dishes for four television channels and radio.

Community Laundry
A community laundry is available.

Community Store
The community has a viable store operation, serviced by the Perth-based Ngaanyatjarra Agency and Transport Service.

Children’s Facilities
A children’s playground is available.

Community Family Services
A Parent/Teacher’s Association meets twice per year.

Community Ambulance Service
The community nurse has a troop-carrier which is used for ambulance work as necessary.

Community Emergency Evacuation
The community airstrip, located two kilometres from Wanarn, can be used for night emergency operations with solar powered strip lights. The airstrip is not all-weather and may be closed by rain. Road evacuation to nearest all weather airstrip is a two hours’ drive on gravel road to Warburton on Great Central Highway. (Four wheel drive in wet weather).

Community Fuel Depot
Operated by Community Store. Diesel and opal fuel available. No Avgas.

Community Housing
There are 26 permanent dwellings on the community—sixteen are of concrete block construction, ten are of metal frame and metal cladding construction. Homes are fully insulated with 3 bedrooms and full services (septic sewerage). All are in good repair.

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*2021 Census Data (ABS) 

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