The Ngaanyatjarra Lands have had a long association with camels. Ever since the first non-indigenous explorers travel the land, the camel has proven its capability in the country. Local Aboriginal people travelled by camel in the 1940’s-60’s in the period between doing everything by foot and when the first motor vehicles and roads became available. The camels were released and since that time the camels have roamed free in the lands and the population has increased to approximately 300,000 in the region. Wild camels became a problem especially during droughts when they would come into communities breaking taps looking for water.
In August 2012 the Board of Ngaanyatjarra Council signed a joint venture with Central Livestock Management to form a company the Ngaanyatjarra Camel Company. The company’s role is to muster and sell feral camels.
The Ngaanyatjarra Camel Company has developed and export industry from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. The goal is to bring the wild camel heard in the region under control and to develop a domestic camel industry from these well adapted animals.