Our Community and Sustainable Development department manages various employment and community development activities on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.
The Community Development Program (CDP), Municipal Services Program, Financial Wellbeing and Capability Program, and Sports Development Project are among these activities.
Under CDP, jobseekers receive assistance from us to help build their skills, get a job and participate to their maximum capacity in community development and work-like activities that benefit their community. We work closely with each Ngaanyatjarra Community to facilitate various participation activities and provide CDP participants and employers with a single point of contact for employment opportunities on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.
Under the Municipal Services program, we deliver municipal services to everyone in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. Municipal services provided include the provision of a reliable potable water supply, generation of electricity 24 hours per day, the operation and maintenance of community airstrips, the operation and maintenance of deep and septic sewerage systems, internal road maintenance, landscaping, dust control, fire management and community management services.
Through the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Program, we provide services to Ngaanyatjarra residents and families that will improve their financial capability, resilience and lifetime well-being.